Launching L-GrID software for Public Use

Launching L-GrID software for Public Use
L-GrID or The Landscape Green Infrastructure Design model is a spatially explicit, process-based model that allows for the development and exploration of green infrastructure placement scenarios, and how they can mitigate urban flooding at different scales. The model can be adapted to a variety of different landscape, environmental, and storm conditions. Default parameters are for the Chicago region. The software includes four customizable types of green infrastructure: bioswales (rain gardens), permeable pavers, green roofs, and rain barrels.
The L-GrID model runs in NetLogo v. 6.1.0, a freely available software that may be downloaded from: For a guide on how to use and customize the model, click on the “Info” tab once you open the L-GrID_ v1.nlogo file.
A full description of the model’s underlying processes, including those for surface flow and infiltration, can be found here: