UPP Professor Moira Zellner Nominated as Panelist for NCSE “Teaching and Leading on Science in Times of Uncertainty” Panel

Moira Zellner, Research Associate Professor for the Inst. for Environmental Science and Policy, and UPP Associate Professor, will be a panelist discussing "Teaching and Leading on Science in Times of Uncertainty" at the NCSE's CEDD (National Council for Science and the Environment's Council of Environmental Deans and Directors) Summer Meeting. She was nominated by the Provost to represent UIC. NCSE is a non-partisan non-profit organization dedicated to improving the scientific basis for environmental decision making. Other panels being discussed include topics such as "Sustainability as an Imperative for an Inclusive, Thriving Economy," "Interdisciplinary Challenges and Opportunities," and "Sustainability Education Core Competencies and Curriculum: Status and Next Steps."