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CITEAM Publications


Milz, D.; Zellner, M.L.; Hoch, C.; Radinsky, J.; Pudlock, K.; Lyons, L.; 2017. “Reconsidering Scale: Using GIS To Inform Spatial Planning Talk.” Planning Practice & Research 60(7): 1296-1323.

Radinsky, J.; Milz, D.; Zellner, M.L.; Pudlock, K.; Witek, C.; Hoch, C.; Lyons, L.; 2016. “How Planners and Stakeholders Learn With Visualization Tools: Using Learning Sciences Methods to Examine Planning Processes.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-28.

Zellner, M.; Massey, D.; Minor, E.; Gonzalez-Meler, M. (2016). Exploring the Effects of Green Infrastructure Placement on Neighborhood-Level Flooding via Spatially Explicit Simulations. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 59 (2016): 116-128.

Mallavarapu, A.; Lyons, L.; Shelley, T.; Zellner, M.; Minor, E.; Slattery, B. 2015. “Developing Computational Methods to Measure and Track Learners’ Spatial Reasoning in an Open-Ended Simulation.” JEDM-Journal of Educational Data Mining, 7(2), 49-82.

Hoch, C., Zellner, M., Milz, D., Radinsky, J., & Lyons, L. (2015). Seeing is not believing: cognitive bias and modelling in collaborative planning. Planning Theory & Practice, 16(3), 319–335.

Zellner, M., & Campbell, S. D. (2015). Planning for deep-rooted problems: What can we learn from aligning complex systems and wicked problems? Planning Theory & Practice, 16(4), 457–478.

Zellner, M.L., Lyons, L.; Hoch, C. J.; Weizeorick, J.; Kunda, C.; Milz, D.; 2012. “Modeling, Learning and Planning Together: An Application of Participatory Agent-Based Modeling to Environmental Planning.” URISA Journal, GIS in Spatial Planning Issue, 24(1): 77-92.


Zellner, M. L.; Hoch, C.; Lyons, L.; Shelley, T.; Milz, D.; Massey, D.; Radinsky, J., “Participatory complex systems modeling for environmental planning: Opportunities and barriers to learning and policy innovation.” In: Innovations in Collaborative Modeling,” (Porter, Zhao, Scmitt Olabisi, McNall (eds.). Michigan State Unvesity Press.


Lyons, L., Minor, E., Zellner, M., Slattery, B., & Shelley, T.; 2012. Parsing patterns: Developing metrics to characterize spatial problem solving strategies within an environmental science simulation. Paper presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2012), Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Slattery, B.; Dasgupta, C.; Shelley, T.; Lyons, L.; Zellner, M.; Minor, E.; 2012. “Understanding How Learners Grapple with Wicked Problems in Environmental Science.” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, International Society of the Learning Sciences Sydney, Australia.

Shelley, T.; Lyons, L.; Minor, E.; Zellner, M.; 2011. “Evaluating a Paper-Based TUI for Spatially-Explicit Simulations.” In 29th international conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI EA '11).

Shelley, T.; Lyons, L.; Shi, J; Minor, E.; Zellner, M.; 2010. “Paper to parameters: designing tangible simulation input.” 12th ACM international conference adjunct papers on Ubiquitous computing, Sept. 26 – 29, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Dasgupta, C.; Lyons, L.; Zellner, M. L.; Greenle, A.; 2010. "Designing for an Informal Learning Environment: Towards a Participatory Simulation Design Process for Public Policy Planning." International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Chicago, IL 2010.


Milz, D. (2015). Mismatched Scales, Mismatched Intentions: Regional Wastewater Planning on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA. PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Shelley, J. (2016). Technology Scaffolds Supporting Compromise in a Multivariate Problem Space. PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago.